Music is my life! And I'm going to tell you how I got into music. Here's the story: I was in elementary school, and it was my brother's last year of middle school. The teachers heard us sing together and they said "Bravo!" That was amazing! A couple weeks later I thought I was in trouble over something, and turns out they asked us to sing at Conwell-Egan High School in Levittown. We sang "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus." There were a lot of people there. We sang and there was this brief silence after we were done, and then there was a huge applause - really big! I felt like "wow" I can't believe I did this!
I took a break for a while and got into video taping local bands and I started out with a digital camera and worked my way up to a ZOOM camera. Then I started posting videos on social media. My brother was turning 18 and Mike LeCompt was playing at my house. And he said anybody want to sing? Everybody was saying to me - "Get up there!" So I sang three songs - two Who songs, Pinball Wizard and Bob O'Riley, and also Wild Thing by The Trogs. He was in shock - couldn't believe his ears! That got me back into singing. He said "Keep it up man, I know you have faith."
At first I didn't take it that seriously, and I was goofing off. Then I graduated high school and started videotaping fulltime - no singing. And bands were after me to video their shows. One day my brother Lou handed me a microphone - he said you can do both, but here! Pick a song, we're gonna sing this together. Then we sang and people liked it! And I kept doing it, and kept doing it. I was helping this band out called Firecracker Betty in March, and they said "You're hired!" and I said what do you mean? And the drummer Howard said I love all your work. Then he said I 'm having open mic night at Dave and Busters, come on out, I want you to film us and sing with your brother. It was great! Every Wednedsay I was at Dave and Busters, and when the storm came in Wildwood I stopped doing it for a while. His band came to my birthday at The Deck in Wildwood, and they were singing Happy Birthday to me. It was great.
A couple months later his wife called me on the phone and said "I want to write an article about you - about all the work you do for bands." That was in August and the article is online. And since then we've been singing. Lou and I opened up for Charlie Gracie at Tacony Rec Center and sang about 10 songs. He was a really nice guy! So lately I've been going to Temple University - I'm a senior studying music and culture. I like school, but music is my life! I'm at almost every open mic night in Northeast Philly and hope to keep on doing it until I die.
In 2011, Lou and I did a video of "Watch The Tram Car, Please." Here's our Facebook page for the song. Check it out!
Singer Mike LeCompt has inspired me to sing. He's an amazing musician!
Here's Firecracker Betty singing "Ain't Talkin' About Love." I filmed this video in 2013
Keep up with our gigs! Check out the Kramer Brothers Facebook page here.