It may have been Faust who sold his soul to the devil, but the innocent Marguerite takes the fall in this classic story that dates back to the 1400s; the opera premiered in Paris in 1859. Patricia Racette, Stefano Secco, and John Relyea star in this 2010 production conducted by Maurizio Benini. Saturday, September 15th, 1 to 4 pm.
Charles François Gounod: FAUST (in French)
Faust: Stefano Secco
Mephistopheles: John Relyea
Marguerite: Patricia Racette
Wagner: Austin Kness
Siebel: Daniela Mack
Valentin: Brian Mulligan
Marthe: Catherine Cook
CONDUCTOR: Maurizio Benini
San Francisco Opera Orchestra and Chorus