This morning I was greatly moved by an email from a listener - a veteran who felt compelled to share this story with me. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
Dear Gregg,
Apropos of nothing other than rummaging through an old diary I came across an experience I wish to share with you.
In December 1967, I was an Army private from California going through Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. On the 9th I had a pass and took the bus to Philadelphia with the sole purpose of trying to get a ticket to The Philadelphia Orchestra’s performance of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.
When I got to the ticket window, in uniform and by now with a fellow soldier, I asked for two tickets, which I hoped would be in our price range. The agent looked up then left the booth, returning a few minutes later with an envelope with two box seat tickets at no charge.
The performance, of course, was spectacular and I have never forgotten being treated so well at the beginning of a difficult time for America. That was an example of Philadelphia’s brotherly love I could not have staged better.
Wayne A. Silkett
Lieutenant-Colonel, US Army (ret.)
Boiling Springs, PA