James Levine returns to Wagner with a signature run of the epic comedy, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, back at the Met for the first time in eight years. Michael Volle is in the central role of Hans Sachs. Johan Botha reprises his indomitable Walther, and the elegant Annette Dasch is Eva. Saturday, December 13, 12 noon to 6 pm (***Note early start time and later end time.)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg "offered an excellent cast... and the magnificent Met Orchestra and Chorus... [James Levine's] depth of insight, his feeling for the flow and shape of the score, and his attention to inner details were all impressive." (New York Times)
Conductor: James Levine
Eva: Annette Dasch
Magdalene: Karen Cargill
Walther von Stolzing: Johan Botha
David: Paul Appleby
Hans Sachs: Michael Volle
Beckmesser: Johannes Martin Kränzle
Kothner: Martin Gantner
Pogner: Hans-Peter König
Nightwatchman: Matthew Rose