The classic Broadway musical Gypsy is back, this time at the Arden Theatre through June 25th with Philly favorite Mary Martello in the role of Mama Rose.…
The Arden Theatre has staged 14 productions of Stephen Sondheim shows since 1993. But opening this month is a first: Passion, a simple love story between…
Along with jazz and motion pictures, musical theater is one of the 20th century’s great American artistic creations. As WRTI’s Jim Cotter reports, a…
WRTI's Lesley Valdes fills you in on Michael Ogborn's new musical that marks the first musical commissioned by the Arden Theatre Company. Runs through…
Jim Cotter speaks with landscape architect Kim Wilkie. He's the designer of Longwood Gardens' new East Conservatory Plaza, featuring the first terraced…
A classic children's story, a 17th-century French comedy, and a fairy tale are just the starting points for three Philadelphia-area theatrical productions…
Conductor Yannick Nezet Seguin--Local Offerings in Family Theater--The History of Rittenhouse SquareDavid Patrick Stearns speaks with Yannick Nezet Seguin, who is, at least for now, the conductor most likely to be The Philadelphia Orchestra's next music…
Jim Cotter speaks with Rossen Milanov. He conducts both Camden's Symphony in C with Astral Artists, and The Philadelphia Orchestra in upcoming concerts at…
Jim Cotter speaks with Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg. She performs Bruch's first violin concerto in performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra this…
Jim Cotter speaks with Frank Stella, the prolific painter, printmaker, sculptor, and muralist.Susan Lewis takes us to a new Penn Museum exhibition -…