For its 25th anniversary, Ars Nova Workshop is rolling out an action-packed spring season at Solar Myth, featuring dynamic artists like Nels Cline, Brandee Younger, and Tyshawn Sorey.
Pianist Sumi Tonooka and the presenting organization Ars Nova Workshop are among The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage’s 2023 grantees, the organization announced today.
Marshall Allen's Ghost Horizons and a jam session with Tarbaby — all in a week's work for the WRTI jazz listings, Moment's Notice.
Saxophonist Zoh Amba, who at 22 is the same age as Ars Nova Workshop, played the first show at Solar Myth, its new home on South Broad Street.
Pre-pandemic, Donald Nally was busy teaching and conducting exceptional singers in two cities 800 miles apart, taking regular flights between Chicago,…
September presented jazz enthusiasts in Philadelphia with a full calendar, with so many events in planetary orbit around the sun that was John Coltrane's…
It’s rare that avant-garde music gets time in the spotlight these days. WRTI’s Maureen Malloy gives you some history on the free jazz movement, and a…
Nels Cline has earned his place as a guitar hero for our times, with a track record stretching back four decades and a marquee gig with Wilco.
Ars Nova means “New Art." And for over a dozen years, Ars Nova Workshop in Philadelphia has been presenting musicians performing jazz and experimental…
WRTI's J. Michael Harrison recently moderated a very special panel that explored music known as "The New Thing" - from the free jazz movement of the 1950s…