The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) has announced that WRTI has been chosen to participate in the Jazz Media Lab, a newly launched public media…
Every moment of every day that you listen to WRTI is a shared cultural experience with many people who do not look like you, don’t live in your…
On April 16th, 2020 we joined local public radio music stations, fans, and featured performers nationwide to celebrate the first-ever Public Radio Music…
Sequestered at home, many of you have taken the time to share your comments and stories with us about how music is enhancing your life right now. Some…
The Philadelphia Orchestra has canceled performances of Beethoven’s Fifth and Sixth Symphonies scheduled for March 12th, 14th and 15th as a safety measure…
NPR's recent debut of its new microsite, Live Sessions From NPR Music Stations Across America, now features “Philly Jazz,” a mix of music videos curated…
It's Back-to-School week on WRTI, so let's introduce our talented and dedicated Temple University student workers who are essential to the success of the…
Big News! WRTI is excited to join VuHaus (pronounced VIEW House), public media’s music discovery video platform—a growing network of public radio music…
We have important and exciting news to share with you about the future of WRTI. Bill Johnson, WRTI station manager for the past 16 years, has been…