WRTI reporters traveled to The Hotel Hershey on May 16th to accept the 2016 Judges Merit Award from the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters.…
The Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters (PAB) has just announced that WRTI has been selected for a 2015 PAB Award for Excellence. Congratulations to…
The Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters presented WRTI with two awards on May 5th at their annual luncheon. Senior Arts and Culture Producer Susan…
WRTI will broadcast a special 2005 archival Philadelphia Orchestra concert, led by Maestro Wolfgang Sawallisch (who died last February, 2013) on Sunday,…
WRTI will broadcast a special 2005 archival Philadelphia Orchestra concert, led by Maestro Wolfgang Sawallisch (who died last February, 2013) on Sunday,…
WRTI will broadcast a special 2005 archival Philadelphia Orchestra concert, led by Maestro Wolfgang Sawallisch (who died last February, 2013) on Sunday,…